Our commitment
The Caisse Desjardins de l'Administration et des Services publics has been supporting the Fondation des parlementaires québécois since 2019.
The Caisse is proud to collaborate with the Fondation des cultures à partager on its book recovery project. In a sustainable development perspective, this project supports the advancement of education, reading acquisition and the sharing of cultures both in Quebec and internationally.
Our involvement
- We are involved in the Fondation internationale des Cultures à partager’s book drive project, in collaboration with the team of Mr. Benoit Charette, minister of the Environment:
- through financial support;
- with a drop-off space for books at our head office in the Marie-Guyart building in Quebec City;
- by joining our teams as volunteers
The Fondation des parlementaires québécois (FPQ) is an organization that was established by the parliamentarians of Quebec in 1997. It ensures the development, visibility, consultation, and coordination of its partners: FICAP Montérégie, FICAP Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean and FICAP Bas-Saint-Laurent-Gaspésie. Under its three-year action plan, it defines the major directions, priorities and strategies shared by the partner foundations. It also provides the framework and procedures necessary for operations and ensures the distribution of documentation and the organization of training and information sessions to ensure effective coordination and consultation.
The Fondation's
Through their mission and objectives, contribute to sharing cultures while being respectful of the populations concerned, and raising Quebecers’ awareness of international cooperation and solidarity with developing countries.
Their mission
• Promote education through reading
• Contribute to the sharing of cultures in Quebec and abroad
• Raise Quebecers’ awareness of international cooperation and solidarity with developing countries
• Protect the environment by reusing and recycling books and periodicals;
• Organize any other activities that will enable it to fully pursue its objectives.
Their objectives
- To collect cultural and educational products in Quebec, mainly books, reference works and periodicals
- To ship and distribute these cultural products to developing countries of the Francophonie and the Quebec community
- Establish partnerships with non-governmental organizations working in the same countries, in line with their respective missions
- Respond to community needs in a personalized way that respects the populations