Our commitment
The CPE La Croisée, previously known as CPE La Grimace, has been a partner of the Caisse Desjardins de l’Administration et des Services publics since 2012.
The Caisse’s financial support has enabled the organization to carry out structuring projects for children aged 0 to 5.
Our involvement
The Caisse’s financial support has enabled the organization to carry out several projects that optimize the environment.
- Contributions:
- Purchase of radio transmitters
- Purchase of ergonomic benches for educators
- Outside playground naturalization
- Annual summer festivities
- Etc.
The CPE la Croisée was pounded on October 1, 2017. It is the result of the merger of four CPEs: La Grimace, Québec-Centre, Sophie, Milpa, as well as two family daycare coordinating offices. The four CPEs and two coordinating offices are in the La Cité-Limoilou borough in downtown Quebec City.
Their mission
To offer children the soothing effect of natural playgrounds and enhance the educators’ happiness brought by working in natural environments.
Their vision
The organization is an innovative CPE that promotes a nature approach. Since 2017, it has been offering children frequent and extended nature immersions through their “grandir en forêt” program, in partnership with “1,2,3, go Limoilou.”
The organization is convinced that the more children are in contact with nature, the more they develop high-level social, cognitive, motor and language skills.
Their values are respect, professionalism, pleasure, recognition, and involvement.